Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Photo Challenge #7

In the quiet of the morning, 
she ponders life,
she wonders
if the choices she's made
followed the 
path she was suppose to take.
The path she has
taken has many twists and turns,
the paths not taken
are the ones she thinks about
in the quiet of the morning.
Missed chances, 
forgotten memories, 
lost love,
did she take the right path?
As the the morning 
moves on, 
She ponders the choices 
she has made. 
All she has been through 
to get to this moment,
have created the path she walked.
Pain and heartache,
have built that walls along that path,
love and joy 
have put holes in that wall
to let the sunlight in. 
The path ahead unmade,
waiting for the stones to be laid.
Wondering where the journey may lead.
What the future holds,
for the moment, 
Only God knows. 

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