Friday, May 16, 2014

Photo Challenge #12

Alone she waits by the phone, 
hoping that today 
he'll call. 
Misery clings to her 
like the cold chill of the wind. 
She fights back the tears, 
waiting to hear his voice, 
knowing in her hear he is okay 
She waits, 
the phone remains silent. 
Where he is
she does not know. 
When he'll call only heaven knows. 
Her fears 
keep her awake, the phone in her hand. 
Who will comfort her,
silence does not. 
Who will wait with her
silence does.
Alone she waits by the phone,
hoping that today 
he'll call. 
She keeps her hands busy
with menial tasks
daily chores. 
Her mind wanders to the 
dangers unknown.
Her heart is heavy with 
unanswered prayers. 
Will he call? 
Will he come home? 
Is okay? 
Questions that plague her day
in and day out. 
The day does come, 
when his call comes in. 
The smile lights up her face, 
bringing tears of joy,
and once again, 
she knows...
Today he is okay...

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