Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Photo Challenge #10

The way she looks, 
still and calm, 
like the quiet of the day. 
Her gentle nature,
peaceful gaze, 
betray what lies beneath. 
What she keeps hidden, 
no one knows, 
no one sees. 
She lies still beneath the tree
watching as petals float freely to the ground. 
With a gentle hand,
she grasps one,
only to let it fall to the ground. 
Her hope locked inside,
not free to float
or fall to the ground.
Her anger set free, 
unwilling to let it return, 
yet what she hides,
what she keeps locked inside,
only she knows. 
Her calm is from the wind, 
her peace from the 
floating petals.
Her gentleness from the Lord above.
Her kindness 
unknowingly from her heart. 
The truth of herself, 
lies in the beauty of 
what she doesn't know, doesn't see.


  1. Wow, Elle. Just wow. Is it wrong that I see a bit of you in your words? Either way, still great stuff.
