Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Photo Challenge #6

Home is a feeling
more than wood and rooms.
Home is where 
your heart lives and dreams.
Home is more
than a house near the ocean
or a condo in the city.
Its love, laughter
and belonging. 
Home is where you build 
create warmth and comfort.
The walls are protection from the cold
The rooms are where 
you dwell. 
The roof keeps out the weather.
What lies inside those walls
is what makes you
or breaks you.
Its what teaches you,
molds you,
and when you leave,
you take it with you.
The good 
and the bad.
Home is where you create it.
Home is where your heart longs to be.
Home is wherever
you are.
Though winds may rage, 
rain may pour 
and clouds may cover,
the sun always shines though the 
Home is not a place, 
its a shelter from the storm,
but more than that,
Home is where your heart longs to be
and is wherever you are.

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