Friday, May 16, 2014

Photo Challenge #12

Alone she waits by the phone, 
hoping that today 
he'll call. 
Misery clings to her 
like the cold chill of the wind. 
She fights back the tears, 
waiting to hear his voice, 
knowing in her hear he is okay 
She waits, 
the phone remains silent. 
Where he is
she does not know. 
When he'll call only heaven knows. 
Her fears 
keep her awake, the phone in her hand. 
Who will comfort her,
silence does not. 
Who will wait with her
silence does.
Alone she waits by the phone,
hoping that today 
he'll call. 
She keeps her hands busy
with menial tasks
daily chores. 
Her mind wanders to the 
dangers unknown.
Her heart is heavy with 
unanswered prayers. 
Will he call? 
Will he come home? 
Is okay? 
Questions that plague her day
in and day out. 
The day does come, 
when his call comes in. 
The smile lights up her face, 
bringing tears of joy,
and once again, 
she knows...
Today he is okay...

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Photo Challenge #11

As I write, I ponder, 
I wonder, 
I dream and I imagine. 
The words 
on paper are the words 
I keep inside. 
The things I want to say to you, 
but never come out right. 
I haven't seen your face in awhile,
but I have read your words of sorrow, 
grief and even joy. 
You have heard voice, 
but I can't speak the words that I write. 
With time and days doing by
things will change, 
people will evolve and 
the sun will always rise as time 
moves on. 
Written words are timeless 
and know no 
boundaries or limitations. 
These words that I can't speak in person, 
are the words that 
keep me awake until they are written. 
If we had nothing,
we would still have words,
words that don't know distance and have no 
No matter the distance between your
heart and mine, 
no matter if we never see each other again, 
we will always have our 
These words you have written 
of love and longing
touch my heart. 
Over time these letters 
that I keep, 
remind me that you 
did exist, 
and for moment I had you, 
but for always, 
wrapped in ribbon,
I will have your words. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Photo Challenge #10

The way she looks, 
still and calm, 
like the quiet of the day. 
Her gentle nature,
peaceful gaze, 
betray what lies beneath. 
What she keeps hidden, 
no one knows, 
no one sees. 
She lies still beneath the tree
watching as petals float freely to the ground. 
With a gentle hand,
she grasps one,
only to let it fall to the ground. 
Her hope locked inside,
not free to float
or fall to the ground.
Her anger set free, 
unwilling to let it return, 
yet what she hides,
what she keeps locked inside,
only she knows. 
Her calm is from the wind, 
her peace from the 
floating petals.
Her gentleness from the Lord above.
Her kindness 
unknowingly from her heart. 
The truth of herself, 
lies in the beauty of 
what she doesn't know, doesn't see.

Photo Challenge #9

A face that hides emotions, 
a heart that keeps them quiet. 
A hollow wooden existence that keeps 
out all.
A face hidden in the crowd, 
not overly noticeable or
A face that once was soft 
now hardened by
Carved by the experiences 
dealt by life. 
Shaped by the hands 
of time. 
A face that has seen 
joy come
joy lost. 
This face that has been 
weathered by storms and molded
by time.
This face that will always 
stand the tests of time
and in the end
is held by strength, 
dignity and 
will forever be.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Photo Challenge #8

The path is long, 
the lessons learned will be many
along the way. 
Though there is darkness in the now, 
the light is at the end. 
In the distance ahead 
the darkness will be a memory, 
not forgotten, but no longer 
hovering ahead. 

Though the path was long, 
the journey was 
It may have been filled with heartache 
and pain, 
but in the end it was worth 
the lessons learned. 

In the end, 
what will your journey read?
Did you stand, and persevere?
Did you fall and not push ahead?
How will your journey end?

Our path is chosen for us, 
long before we are born.
The outcome is known to the one who created us, 
but unknown to us
until the end. 

The path we walk,
the journey we take,
in the end
it made us who we are. 

The journey may have been made in the darkness
of the unknown, the fear of what lies ahead. 
Only if you are willing to 
will you see that there is a light 
at end of the journey.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Photo Challenge #7

In the quiet of the morning, 
she ponders life,
she wonders
if the choices she's made
followed the 
path she was suppose to take.
The path she has
taken has many twists and turns,
the paths not taken
are the ones she thinks about
in the quiet of the morning.
Missed chances, 
forgotten memories, 
lost love,
did she take the right path?
As the the morning 
moves on, 
She ponders the choices 
she has made. 
All she has been through 
to get to this moment,
have created the path she walked.
Pain and heartache,
have built that walls along that path,
love and joy 
have put holes in that wall
to let the sunlight in. 
The path ahead unmade,
waiting for the stones to be laid.
Wondering where the journey may lead.
What the future holds,
for the moment, 
Only God knows. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Photo Challenge #6

Home is a feeling
more than wood and rooms.
Home is where 
your heart lives and dreams.
Home is more
than a house near the ocean
or a condo in the city.
Its love, laughter
and belonging. 
Home is where you build 
create warmth and comfort.
The walls are protection from the cold
The rooms are where 
you dwell. 
The roof keeps out the weather.
What lies inside those walls
is what makes you
or breaks you.
Its what teaches you,
molds you,
and when you leave,
you take it with you.
The good 
and the bad.
Home is where you create it.
Home is where your heart longs to be.
Home is wherever
you are.
Though winds may rage, 
rain may pour 
and clouds may cover,
the sun always shines though the 
Home is not a place, 
its a shelter from the storm,
but more than that,
Home is where your heart longs to be
and is wherever you are.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Photo Challenge #5

It had been year full of trials, heartache, healing and life. Kate had lost the love of her life before Kate had even known she was pregnant with Krissy. The baby that her father had never seen, and would never know.

Adam had been been Kate's high school sweetheart and they had always known that they would get married one day and have a family. After high school Adam had joined the marines, as was his plan. Kate had fallen in love the minute she had seen him. That high school girl kind of crush, that had turned into something real. They spent every moment together that they could. Going to movies, hanging out at the mall and their favorite past time, going to the beach and walking along the ocean. It was a past time that they had carried on into their married life and shared with their children. Every night after dinner, the family would head to the water and go for a walk, even when Adam was away.

Now, today, one year after Adam's death, Kate, her children and her brother are at the ocean in memory of her husband. After they spread Adam's ashes into the ocean, they headed along the water and went for a walk in remembrance of the walks they had taken many times. Kevin, Kate's brother had gone with to help her with the children. This spot on the ocean would always hold a special place in Kate's heart. It was the place she had the most memories of Adam, the place he had proposed to her, the place she had told him she was pregnant each time, including when she found out she was pregnant with Krissy. This was also the place they could see from their bedroom; the whole reason they had bought the house. Never would any place mean more to Kate than this one. Never would there be any place that she could feel Adam's presence more than this one.

Kate knew that one day she might fall in love again, remarry, and start over. Life had proven that it would go on. The sun would still rise every morning and set every night. Her heart, though still sad had healed, slowly, day by day. Over the days and months that had passed, life had kept going just as Adam would have wanted it to. Every time that she looked at her children, she saw their father, and every time she went to this spot in the ocean she felt him there with her. Watching over her, and keeping her safe.

Today as she walked this same spot, this oh-so-familiar path, she knelt down in the sand and read these words that she had written down that morning.

Today its been a year. A year since I heard you were gone. 
Today I feel you more than I ever have. 
With each day that has passed since that first day we met
on the first day of school in 9th grade, I have loved 
you with each breath I took. 
With you, 
I was safe, loved and give so much more than I deserved. 
With you, 
I have never known or felt more than love than you have shown. 
My heart breaks that you are gone. 
Knowing that I will never see your face, 
hear your voice or 
feel your arms around me, 
breaks my heart and fills my eyes with tears. 
Knowing that Krissy will never 
know you personally, though she will know who you are
and the kind of daddy she had. 
You have never held her, touched her sweet face
or known her, but I know 
that as you watch over us, you know who she is. 
Kammie and Austin miss you so much, 
but each night as I tuck them into bed 
we look out the window towards Heaven and tell you goodnight.
Today, Tomorrow and Forever 
you are my love and our hero. 

As soon as she read those words, Kate tossed the letter into the air and watched as the wind blew it away and land it in the water. Then she stood up, took Kammie's hand and together they all walked back towards the house, with one final goodbye to the man they all loved and would all miss for the rest of their lives. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Photo Challenge #4

The waves of the ocean crash against the rocks, 
her silent tears fall, 
her heart beats drowned out by the waves. 
No one hears her cry, 
no one knows her pain. 
The day he left, she said good-bye. 
Angry winds blow, 
waves get higher, her tears fall 
her heart breaks. 
She knows he will never come home. 

Today he watched her cry, 
felt her pain as she knelt in the wet sand, 
he knew heard her cries
and felt her heartbeat as she looked out at the vast seas. 
He longed to touch her, 
longed to heal her pain and let her know
he was there beside her.

As the wind blew and the waves crashed, 
as the storm got angrier, 
her hopes, her dreams, their plan, and their life
all drowning in the wind and the rain. 
Never will she hold him again, 
never will she walk down the aisle to him.
She will never see the joy on his face
as their little one is born.

She longs to join him, longs to be with him. 

He sees the lighthouse, 
the calm in the storm. It hadn't been lit in years, 
As he watches her below, 
he knows what he must do for her, 
he must let her know 
that she can always find her way home.
He is always there, 
always right there with her. 

The light shines through the night, 
a beacon of hope, 
a path where none once stood. 

She sees the light, 
and knows that he is there,
there in her heart, 
the waves still crash, the wind still blows, 
but the lighthouse shines, 
lighting the way, 
the only calm in the storm. 

Photo Challenge #3

Through tears and laughter, 
pain and sorrow, 
joy and happiness, through the lonely times
and the times filled with grief, 
through heartache and broken promises, 
the one who has seen it all, 
the one who will always be there no matter what.

The times spent laughing over coffee, 
hanging out at the mall, 
for the times spent together in a cafe or at a park
only few have cherished these times. 

There have been fights, and angry words, 
days of silence and times of trials, 
moments of bitterness and 
even betrayal. 

There are times of disagreement, 
discouragement and unkind words, 
years of being there, years apart, days and weeks
of talking on the phone. 

There are few who have seen it all, 
who have been there for the ups and downs, 
for the trials and triumphs.
Few have seen the tears, been apart of the laughter, 
and no one could compare to your 
best friend

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Photo Challenge #2 (a bit late)

I sit on the dock and listen, 
the sounds of nature soothe my aching heart. 
The depth of the ocean is deep, 
as is the distance that sits between us. 
The vastness of the sky is overwhelming, 
as is the heartache felt when I think of what could have been. 
The birds in the distance, 
a reminder that there is hope, 
the gentle waves of the water are a sign that 
calm is near. 
The dock, which is steady, an anchor.
Here I sit, listening to the sounds of nature, 
the sounds that bring a gentle, calming peace where none existed a moment before. 
I sit on the dock and listen, the sounds of nature soothing my once aching heart. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Photo Challenge #1

It had been a long and challenging year. Alyssa and Brad had been married for two years and second year had been harder than the first. The first year Brad had been sweet and romantic, bringing her home flowers every day after work. or leaving little love notes around the house. They had learned how to live together and deal with issues as they arose. They learned about living together as a couple and compromising so that they both got what they wanted. The first had its challenges and struggles for sure but it was sweet and romantic as well.

Then the second year hit and Brad started a new job that kept him traveling out of town, so he was never home anymore. Alyssa was bogged down at work with a new case she had been assigned. When Brad was home he expected Alyssa to cook his meals and pack his lunch. She had to do all the house cleaning and errands, since Brad's job, according to Brad was more stressful than her career as a lawyer. As the days and weeks went by, Alyssa found herself feeling more and more like a slave than a wife. She started resenting her husband and even found little ways to irk and irritate him just because. The other day she poured hot sauce on his french fries instead of ketchup and last week she purposely forgot to take his favorite suit to the dry cleaners. He had been really mad, as he had wanted to take that on his business trip to New York. When Brad returned from New York Alyssa had actually forgot to pick him up as she had been at work late preparing for trial the next day. Brad had been so furious that he had spent a week in a hotel. Alyssa had thought that was the beginning of the end of their marriage.

Last night Brad had said he was flying to Texas for a job interview. Alyssa booked his flight and hotel and rented him a car. As she watched him walk down the terminal, she fought the tears that had been threatening all morning and finally she let them fall. She was losing her husband and she was partly to blame. She knew in her heart that her marriage was over. Brad had not even kissed her good-bye. As Alyssa prepared a dinner for herself last night, she caught a glimpse of what her life without Brad would be like. Sure she had prepared a meal for one, and lived like a single woman while Brad was gone, but she had never paid attention to the lonliness of it. Work and lonely meals at home. She didn't even have a dog to keep her company.

Later that night as she was getting ready for bed, Alyssa had an idea. A last ditch effort to repair her failing marriage. She booked a last minute flight, got redressed and packed a bag and headed for the airport. Alyssa didn't notice the flight from California to New York, she was too busy worrying about what Brad would say when she got there. What would she find? Did he have a girl friend there? Is that why he had decided to move to Texas?

When she got to the hotel she dropped off her stuff, she had booked a room next to Brad's just incase her plan didn't work the way she was hoping. Plan? She thought to herself, she didn't even have a plan, she was just winging it. As she was walking back out of the hotel she saw caught a glimpse that shook her. Brad at a table in the restaurant, holding the hand of another woman.

There was no saving her marriage. Brad had found someone else. He was leaving her, moving to Texas and starting a new life. She had not even been married a full two years and her marriage was over. Alyssa went back to her room and repacked her clothes and booked a flight home. All her hopes for saving her marriage were crushed, and she was going to be alone.

Alyssa flew back home that night and cried herself to sleep.

The next morning she got herself up and ready for work. She sat at her desk and did her depositions and prepared for her trial. She even spent her lunch hour researching divorce lawyers. No sense in putting off the inevitable or being unprepared.

After work she went to the gym, the grocery store and then the drug store. While she was there she realized that she had not had her period for awhile. As she thought back, her last period had been three months ago. How had she missed that? She walked to the aisle where the pregnancy tests were kept and grabbed one. She couldn't be. It had to be stress. She hadn't even felt sick, didn't pregnant woman get sick? When she got home she ran straight to the bathroom and took the test and nervously waited for the test to be done. She paced the bathroom, wandered around the house, scared to look at the test. She made dinner and sat down to eat, when Brad walked in the door. What was he doing home? He was not due home until tomorrow. He sat his bags down and came into the kitchen. He then asked her to go for a walk.

She agreed, almost forgetting about the test upstairs in the bathroom. She ran upstairs and saw the results. It was confirmed, she was pregnant, and now she was going to be pregnant and alone. Brad was going to tell her he was leaving her and moving to Texas. How was she suppose to raise a baby alone? She walked back down stairs and went to face Brad.

They walked to the little park near their house. The park was the reason she had fallen in love with their neighborhood. The reason she had convinced Brad that this was the house for them. They walked around the park in silence. Until Alyssa asked him what he wanted to talk about. As she looked at him, she started to cry. She didn't want to hear that he didn't love her anymore, t hat he was in love with someone girl in Texas. Brad looked startled at her tears. Alyssa was startled when Brad grabbed her and sat her on his lap in the swing. The same swing that they had first sat on the first time they walked through this park together.

He explained to her that he had turned down the job offer in Texas. That he had thought about leaving her and when it came down to it, he couldn't do it. He realized that life without her would be boring and dull. Who else would put hot sauce on his french fries to get at him? She smiled and leaned in to whisper in his ear that she loved him and that they were going to have a baby. Surprise lit up Brad's face and then he puled her closer to him and kissed her. Their marriage wasn't perfect, but they still had it and now they were going to add another member to their family.

The End